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Experiments were conducted to investigate the growth and morphology of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans in relation to seven substrate types. The study also aims to evaluate the influence of the grain size of the aquatic substrate on the submersed macrophyte. The results show that growth, morphology and biomass accumulation of V. natans were significantly affected by the physical properties of the growth substrate. Compared with V. natans grown in pebble and gravel substrates, V. natans grown in silt and clay substrates had greater height, more ramets and leaves, as well as greater biomass accumulation. No significant differences in biomass allocation patterns were found among the different experimental treatments. The total porosity and dry bulk density of the growth substrate strongly influence plant traits. Substantial positive correlations were observed between total porosity and height and total biomass. Also, negative correlations were observed between dry bulk density and height, number of ramets, total biomass and lacunal volume. These results indicate that at high concentrations of water-column nutrients, V. natans responds to different physical properties of the growth substrate by changing growth and biomass accumulation strategies, rather than by changing biomass allocation patterns. Compared with V. natans grown in substrates with larger grain sizes, V. natans appeared well-adapted to substrates with smaller grain sizes. Thus, the physical properties of the growth substrate could be important in determining submersed macrophyte colonization and distribution in shallow eutrophic lakes. This information may be useful in managing shallow eutrophic lakes wherein rooted submersed macrophytes are declining.  相似文献   
李强 《地震》2001,21(3):39-45
南北地震带是中国大陆的一条主要活动地震带, 20世纪以来有很多大地震集中发生在这条地震带上。为了进一步探讨南北地震带地震活动强度变化的规律并对其进行中期预测,在研究了南北地震带逐年最大地震强度演化特征及其机理的基础上,建立了南北地震带地震强度序列变化的一种模式,建模中采用了人工神经网络技术,并提出了一种简易实用的能够获得较隹预测效果的确定神经网络输入窗口大小的方法。结果表明: 南北地震带的地震活动具有强弱分期轮回的特征; 用人工神经网络建模的预测结果与实际资料的对比检验中误差较小,因而该模型可作为南北地震带地震活动强度变化的预测模型。  相似文献   
松嫩沙地天然草地与人工草地土壤动物的对比研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
殷秀琴 《中国沙漠》1998,18(3):249-254
松嫩沙地天然草地和人工草地土壤动物的对比研究表明,天然草地大型土壤动物的优势类群与人工草地优势类群数相同,但类群有差别。而中小型土壤动物的优势类群是人工草地多。天然草地大型土壤动物和中小型土壤动物的常见类群都多于人工草地,而稀有类群则相反。两种草地类型的土壤动物在土层中的垂直分布存在差异性,但基本上是随着土层加深而递减,天然草地表层的土壤动物类群数均多于人工草地,主要是受土壤营养状况和理化性质的制约。  相似文献   
取30个通过人工授精和自然交尾建立的中国对虾家系,分别进行人工感染和自然感染实验。实验过程中,两实验组样本总体存活率在35%左右时统计各家系的存活率,以分析其抗白斑综合征病毒情况。用四格表的卡方检验分析中国对虾各家系存活率,结果发现23个家系的存活率在两种感染方式实验间差异不显著(P0.05),两种感染方式实验间家系存活率一致性为77%。用独立样本T检验对两种感染方式实验中4个杂交组合的存活率进行比较,结果发现4个杂交组合的存活率在两种感染方式实验间差异不显著(P0.05),说明人工感染和自然感染实验对中国对虾抗病力的反映情况基本是一致的。另外,对两个实验中各家系的抗病力进行分析,综合结果表明有5个家系对WSSV可能有较强的抗病力。  相似文献   
采用酚-氯仿和试剂盒两种提取法对三角帆蚌怀珠群与非怀珠群各6个个体进行基因组DNA的提取,然后在优化RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA)检测条件基础上,从80个随机引物中筛选出12个扩增较好且多态性强的引物进行RAPD扩增,产物通过水平板琼脂糖凝胶电泳和垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳两种方法进行检验并对DNA的多态性进行分析。结果显示在怀珠群和非怀珠群检测到的位点数、多态位点比例、平均Shannon多态性信息指数、平均Nei's基因多样性指数、群体内个体间平均遗传相似率和平均遗传距离分别为100、33%、0.1927、0.1324、0.904、0.096,95、47.37%、0.2711、0.1879、0.861、0.139,群体间的平均遗传距离为0.821,非怀珠群的变异性大于怀珠群;本研究还获得了两群体各自的特异扩增谱带及两群体间表达差异较大谱带,这些位点很可能是由人工育珠所引起。根据MEGA4.0软件的UPGMA和NJ程序构建的分子系统树可直观地将两群体分开。  相似文献   
Severe erosion is caused by intense rainfall in tropical regions. The erodible soil of steep hill slopes, accompanied by destruction of vegetation due to human interventions results in accelerated erosion. A sustainable and cost-effective solution such as vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) is, thus, required to control the erosion process. In the current study, 6 small-scale glass models: 1 bare and 5 with vetiver grass, having a slope angle of 37° have been constructed. One year after planting, artificial rainfall of extremely high intensity was applied to all 6 small models and the role of vetiver canopy and roots in erosion and runoff control was observed. To see the effect of soil texture, one among these 5 models was made with silty sand and others contained sandy silt. The results demonstrated that, for sandy silt, the inclusion of vetiver reduced the soil loss by 94%–97%, and soil detachment rates were lowered by 95%. The average runoff also was reduced by 21%. The canopy cover showed a positive impact on reducing both quantities. An increase in average root diameter from 1.6 to 2.5 mm increases the soil loss due to its negative impact on added cohesion. The added cohesion showed a linearly negative correlation with soil loss. A composite system of vetiver and jute geotextile was most effective in erosion reduction among 4 vegetated models with sandy silt. Under same vetiver planting layout, the grass covered model of silty sand yielded 84% lower erosion and 62.5% lower runoff than the grass covered one with sandy silt. Thus, vetiver was more effective in erosion and runoff reduction for soil with a greater percentage of sand, and soil type dominated the erosion process.  相似文献   
Estimating the time evolution of a local scour hole downstream of submerged weirs can help determine the maximum scour depth and length and is essential to designing submerged weir foundations.In the current study, artificial neural networks with a backpropagation learning algorithm were used to estimate the temporal variation of scour profiles downstream of submerged weirs under clear water conditions. Physical factors, such as the flow condition, weir size, and sediment characteristics, are ge...  相似文献   
合理的人工鱼礁布局可以为海洋生物提供适宜的生境,促进物种的多样性和生态系统的稳定。然而受多种因素的影响,人工鱼礁投放的实际位置与规划方案多有差异,致使人工鱼礁建设达不到预期效果。文章利用重心误差、外围面积误差、重叠面积误差以及礁体数量误差等4个指标来评价天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁的投放误差状况。结果表明,天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁投放的外围面积误差和礁体数量误差的平均值分别为-0.11和0.067,投放布局的准确性比较高;重心和重叠面积误差平均值分别为0.59和0.73,投放定位的准确性相对较差,需要进一步改进;从年际变化来看,2018年人工鱼礁投放的重心误差、重叠面积误差、礁体数量误差均有明显改善,仅外围面积误差略大,表明随着时间的推移,人工鱼礁投放布局和定位的准确性均已达到预期效果。文章量化了天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁的投放误差,成果可为提高天津海洋牧场人工鱼礁投放效果提供有益参考,为相关政策制定提供科学依据,并指导管理实践。  相似文献   
根系功能性状体现了植物细根的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性,然而根系功能性状响应环境变化的时间稳定性如何仍不清楚。苦草(Vallisneria natans)是水体沉水植被修复的先锋种类,细根在其种群重建初期起着重要作用。该研究设计了草垫、草垫+沙子、草垫+黄泥及草垫+底泥4种生长基质和100株/m2以及200株/m2两种种植密度并将其两两组合,以模拟自然生境不同的基质和密度情况,并在不同时期对苦草功能性状指标进行取样测定,通过重复测量二元方差分析研究基质和密度对根系功能指标的影响,并通过线性拟合模型探讨个体水平的生长表现(生物量分配、营养吸收、个体定植)与具体的根系功能性状之间的关系对环境变化的响应。结果表明:所有测量指标均受到基质条件的显著影响,部分根系功能性状指标如根冠比(RSR)、根干重、比根长(SRL)、根比表面积(SRA)、根组织密度(RTD)、根系锚定力和根体积受密度的影响显著。苦草生物量的分配主要受基质条件的影响,对营养的吸收、运输及根系固着能力受基质和密度的共同影响。线性拟合模型表明SRA、RTD、根直径、根表面积以及根体积在个体水平上能一定程度地预测RSR对环境变化的响应,且RTD的预测效果最好;根冠比、SRA、生根数、总根长、根表面积以及根体积在个体水平上能一定程度地预测SRL对环境变化的响应,其中生根数的预测效果最好;SRA、根直径、根表面积以及根体积在个体水平上能一定程度地预测根系锚定力对环境变化的响应,并且SRA的预测效果最好。但是基质和密度在不同时期对苦草根系功能性状的影响方向会发生改变,当用根系功能性状预测植物个体表现时,需要考虑种群重建所处的时期。  相似文献   
利用1982—2018年巴音布鲁克气象站逐日气象资料和开都河流上游大山口水文站逐月径流量资料,采用Morlet小波分析、气候敏感与水量平衡法,时间序列分析等方法,分析了汛期(5—9月)巴音布鲁克盆地地表径流量变化趋势及气候变化与人工增水作业对径流量的影响。结果表明:近37 a巴音布鲁克盆地汛期地表径流量呈增加趋势,突变年份为1989年,存在主周期依次为14 a、22 a、4 a 、7 a的周期变化,具有17~27 a、11~16 a年代际尺度和4~8 a年际尺度的丰枯位相交替变化特征。降水量是影响径流量变化的主导气候因素,对径流量变化的平均影响率为73.1%。因人工增水因素影响,盆地的降水可分为自然降水和人工催化降水,其中自然降水在历史期(1982—1993年)为69.5%,作业前期(1994—2006年)为59.28%,作业后期(2007—20018年)为74.56%,而人工催化降水在人工增水期(1994—2018年)对径流量变化的平均影响率为7.93%,表明径流量对降水的依赖程度正大幅增加,同时人工增水作业对径流量也有一定增加作用。  相似文献   
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